Congratulations to everyone who entered! The contest was a huge success! We will upload some photos later, for now, here are the results of the Freestlye division.
General Information
- The contest will start at 4pm on Saturday 9 September. Please arrive by 15:30.
- Entry is free for competitors and spectators.
- Please register at least one week before the contest. We need an idea of numbers. Just send us a message / email / whatapp, and tell us which division(s) you want to enter.
- Anyone can enter both trick ladder and freestyle division
- There will be yoyo prizes! So far we have lined up Yoyofactory and Yoyofficer as prize sponsors!
- There will be a special prize for the best newcomer (anyone who started yo-yoing after last year’s contest)
- There will be several lucky draws for all players who did not win a prize! All the names of prize winners will be removed from the draw, so that all those who did not win prizes also gets a chance to win something.
- After the contest will be a braai. We will provide hotdogs, you can bring additional food to braai. (Good idea to let us know how many people will be coming)
- You can bring your own food, but please support the bar for drinks. They will make sure to have plenty soft drinks and juices for the kids too.
- Follow our Facebook event page for updates
Trick ladder contest:
Freestyle Contest
The player gets one and a half minutes to perform any tricks of his/her choice. The tricks are performed to music. Please submit your song, cut to two minutes, before the contest. (We can help with this if needed.) You can submit it via email or bring it on a flash drive to the yoyo club the week before. The extra 30 seconds for the music is so that we can give a little leeway to the player if needed. For example, if the player has a lot of mistakes and loses time undoing knots / changing yoyos, we will give up to 30 seconds extra time to complete the prepared routine. This is not a usual practice in yoyo contests, but we want to encourage our new and young players to also compete in the freestyle division.
Please take additional yoyos with you on stage. If you get a knot on the bearing, change the yoyo quickly and go on with your routine. You will lose valuable time if you try to undo knots.
Freestyle Judging
The judging is based on the guidelines of the International Yoyo Federation. Freestyles will be graded on two criteria: Technical Execution (TE), and Freestyle Evaluation (FE). The final score is a combination of the two scores.
Technical Execution (TE) – 60% – Each judge uses two clickers, one each for positive and negative points. These are added together for the final TE score, which is 60% of the total possible score. Positive points are given for each trick element, such as a hop, string hit, mount, or other movement. Difficult movements such as whips, slacks or horizontal play can score 2 or more points. Any trick miss will cost you points. This includes any loss of control of the yoyo, string miss, yoyo stop, or change of yoyo.
Freestyle Evaluation (FE) – 40% – Judges evaluate 4 categories with a point out of 10, for a total maximum of 40 points, which is 40% of the total possible score.
- Execution: Success rate of tricks, succession/flow of movements. If you can do your tricks continually with few mistakes, you will score high in this category.
- Control: Control of yo-yo and string, string tension, trajectory of the yoyo, smooth landings and transitions.
- Choreography: Try to choreograph the tricks to the beat of the music. Match tricks to cues in the music. For example when a new verse begins, start a new combo. When the chorus begins, change to a different type of trick. Try to match the speed and tone of the music.
- Trick Diversity: Using different types of tricks, throws and binds will score you points. Examples of different trick styles include: front style, technical, big tricks, grinds, horizontal